Limit self-sabotage
Draw force from nothing but you
Nurture the Feminine
Step into the Queen

Through this work we set together the intention to consciously awaken, cultivate and nourish the positive aspect of the archetype of the Queen.

More than ever now, we are called to awaken the Queen inside and be in tune with our feminine vibration. The archetype of the Queen already exists within the soul and is waiting for a wake-up-call.

You just need some help to re-remember !

Take my hand…

Archetypes date back to the time of Plato who called them forms.

Carl Jung referred to these powerful universal symbols as the collective unconscious. So, the collective unconscious looms over the soul of each individual like a shadow, quietly influencing our actions and reactions. They are the basis of instinctive patterns of behaviour.

These universal archetypes include the inner child, the lover, the beggar and the queen to name a few. And as we exist in a world of duality, archetypes carry both positive and negative qualities.

For example, the shadow qualities of the Queen archetype is the destructive and authoritarian patterns of behaviour and the positive qualities are confidence, grace, sovereignty and wisdom.

Most importantly, her power lies in her deep feminine nature. She is in tune with her feminine energy so everything else flows naturally.

The superficial queen energy that is promoted these days is actually masculine ego-driven energy. We are told to become more empowered, more successful, more attractive, more of this and more of that. We tend to attach our worth solely on our perceived social and economic accomplishments or appearance.

And although being empowered and successful is not something bad, walking the path to success just by acting as a male and not being in tune with your feminine vibration can be destructive for your soul.

What is the Queen Archetype?

How to tap back into Queen

Though this work is non-linear and never-ending, Erene will give you powerful tools to place your seeds and blossom like a beautiful flower into your full potential through:

  • A fusion of information and conversation Erene will give you tools to help you identify and release your limiting beliefs, self-sabotage patterns and toxic behaviours that are blocking you from experiencing your full potential. She will inspire reflection on what changes you need to implement in your life and what action can you take to enter a feminine flow state.

  • A 60 pages interactive workbook that inspires reflection and motivates you to take action and integrate the teachings of the Queen in your life. You will find precious teachings, journaling prompts, powerful affirmations and more.

  • Erene’s signature guided meditation that helps you enter a state of calm and peace and rest in the softness of your feminine essence. By entering a theta healing state you can find your center and the teachings of the Queen will enter your subconscious mind effortlessly. The meditation is sealed with an exercise that facilitates a deeper embodiment of the teachings.

“The world is waiting for you to break free from limitations and share the precious gifts you have to offer. Shine unapologetically and become the sovereign Queen you are meant to be. A humble servant of the the Earth and humanity.”
