Erene Karabatzaki Erene Karabatzaki

Belly Dance is Healing

Belly Dance is a unique embodiment tool for women.


The dance of the hips, also known as Belly Dance or Oriental Dance entered my life as a teenage hobby and evolved into a dedicated and soulful profession of mine leading me to world’s stages and classrooms.

Having devoted over a decade of studying and teaching, it became apparent to me that women are gifted with a tremendous healing and empowering embodiment tool.

The soft sensual movements of Belly Dance evoked our suppressed sensual wisdom, our passions, desires and instincts while the more ecstatic movements gave space to big releases to occur, in the form of good relieving crying. It was obvious that engaging in non-linear movement and resting into a feminine infused space was facilitating big changes and was sparking a remembrance of an ancient knowledge.

The ecstatic shaking of the hips was for a reason an indispensable part of the rituals in pre-historic era and some argue that it is the most ancient form of dance.

Belly Dance for female health

In a physiology level, the circular and sharp movements of the hips facilitate a soft inner massage of the organs, so temperature in the area rises and the blood flows more easily. All these little muscles of the pelvic floor become engaged in the process and, of course, are getting stronger.

As we know from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, when a woman’s reproductive organs are warm then this woman is considered to be healthy. All disease derives from the impaired flow of qi energy in this area, which results in being cold rather than warm.

Belly Dance and energy flow

In an energy level and the sphere of the unseen, blocked feminine energy, blocked creativity and self- expression, stored trauma and unprocessed emotions are all trapped in the pelvic zone, in the womb. I have witnessed that a great number of women who had no option but to lead a more masculine life or had experienced intense trauma, all had experienced hormonal imbalance, disconnection from the womb, stiff pelvic area and hard time self-express.

But their feminine energetic imprint was there, asking to be expressed, to be released, to be seen. They were asking for sweetness, for slow moments, resting in the feminine with the company of other women and inviting sensual hip movement.

These heroes, as I like to call them, were slowly and steadily releasing their pelvis free and unblocking their feminine energy which had been trapped in their lower chakras.

 Feminine energy is energy in motion pulsing from the inside and expressed to the outside. So, as my students allowed their dormant energy to travel again through the body and its meridians they started to feel magnetic, radiant, they gained their lost vitality and life-force, had a blast for creativity as they became more fertile, in all levels. They were sourcing their creativity from within. From their sacral chakra.

 How to heal hormonal imbalance through movement

In a world confused by male-centered research and a fitness industry that leads women to over-exercising and draining themselves, let’s choose to take a more gentle approach to exercise, especially if you experience hormonal imbalance such as pcos, acne, low libido, hairloss, infertility etc.

If you are constantly fatigued, feeling overwhelmed, exhausted by it all, don’t go for that highly praised cardio. Invite soft healing Belly Dance movements in your life and trust me, this can be your cure. Just allowing your repressed feminine energy travel upwards and heal you.

I dream of a world in which this ancient knowledge will be respected, promoted and become sacred again. I dream of little girls learning about the power of their hips and of therapists inviting pelvic movements into their practice.

I dream of a world that respects the sacredness of the Feminine.

Remember my love, the path of gentleness is really the way…

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